Friday's Puzzler
Important!!!As we have been having server issues with peoples e-mails not reaching me for hours after they have sent etc, Please post a comment with your name and the words "entry submitted" on the website when you e-mail me. I have enabled time stamps on the comments so we will have a clear time of answer. DO NOT POST THE ANSWER!!!!
This morning there was a solar eclipse over Whitehall Square. I awoke to find my light bulb had blown. My bedroom was pitch black and I could not see a thing. Getting dressed, I required a pair of socks. In my drawer I knew that I had 10 pairs of each colour, Black, Green, and Pink, all mixed up (as usual). How many socks did I have to take out of the drawer to ensure that I had a matching pair. The colour of which I then checked in the bathroom?
Go For It!! Answers to