Thursday, November 03, 2005


Attn all members of Groove:

Philip Stopford would like to know if any of us could be available on the 10th December for the Cathedral Christmas Concert. It should be one or two songs only and he can schedule it so it's in the first half enabling an early get-away - I know Andrew needs to go early to go to a work engagement.

Could you all make contact with Philip today and let him know availability etc? You can e-mail him by clicking HERE

Also due to a concert on Sunday night by Ulster Orchestra which some members are going to, we will postpone rehearsal this Sunday - however we do need to get cracking to prepare Christmas music for broadcast and concert so could you leave a comment on Fredandfreds suggesting a time for a rehearsal during either the next few days or next week. There will be a rehearsal on Sunday 13th November.

Groove On....
