Friday, August 04, 2006

Cauterising and cutting back

I made a fairly clear decision earlier year - it was a decision I did not want to make but I made it because I believed I was doing the right thing.

It was unfortunately a decision to sacrifice an area of my life which was very dear to me in order to protect myself from the fact that this thing / relationship is not healthy. This is a device I have found can easily use if a person / place / relationship is going badly. I've been told that it's an adopted thing - that we find it as easy as falling off a log to abandon a close person or issue as self protection. Walls go up, ropes are cut and doors are shut. End of story.

I've done it before with people / situations / organisations and it has never been a problem for me before. Youth was on my side and I found it easy to do and extremely effective.

This time it is a problem and I need help. A glimmer of hope has surprisingly emerged and now I see that things are improving slightly in the relationship.

On one hand I could cut this area / person (I'm being deliberately vague) and there would be a degree of suffering all round (not me actually - I would be fine)

On the other hand I could "make a go" of it and potentially make it all work again for the sake of other people.

The odds are against me to make a permanent change and I think I would be just extending the time before another crash happens.

And I don't know what to do.
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