Tuesday, July 26, 2005


On then to Freddy. I haven't actually got his permission yet to put him up here but once I have I will. His name is Freddy (my name is Freddy) and we live together. In harmony. Mostly.

You will probably hear very little about him as he will crack up with me if I put anything up with him on it - he's quite private. Not that there is anything that's so very secret about him - he just is that way.

I however am the very sort of person to be doing this very public and adulation seeking thing - however that's not the primary reason that I have started this - it's really that I have a creative urge and I think that this may prove to help my writing skills - also I am already finding it very relaxing.

I love nothing more than writing work related e-mails and now I can type words that may be important to me rather than about some work related shite. I don't think I can say where I work but anyone who knows me knows - and I can tell you I work for a mobile phone company.

Anyway if Robert lets me put his picture up I'll do so - I'll go and ask him now.

