Last Week's Final Scores and Prize!!!
Hi Listeners...I never got time on Friday to tot up last week's scores. The winner by a long fat chalk was Richard who "entered" Fredandfred's every day!!
Richard, your prize is a professional photograph of yourself which will be taken at huge expense under the cranes "Samson and Goliath" in Belfast's legendary ship yard which under the direction of Harland and Wolff, built the ship Titanic. This photograph will be taken by a leading Northern Ireland Photographer at 12.00 sharp his Saturday. Please wear a black suit and a black shirt. The photograph will be revealed on Fredandfred's very soon!!!(Scores were:)Richard 16
Lisa 13
Jonny 10.5
Walker 10
Susan 6
Byte 5
Isla 5
Alan C 5
Sandra 4
Robert J 3
Andrew Smith 3Labels: Northern Ireland, Susan