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Chantelle Wins!!

Was it a foregone conclusion? Did you all know she was going to win?
I did, I have to admit, and more than that I accurately (and tragically for me) guessed the final order of placing for the five final housemates. What does that say about my life?
Did you agree that she should have won? Would Chantelle and Preston be a nicer couple than him and that french bird who was "giving him evils"??
And more importantly, (adopts Sean Connery 007 voice) "Would you like me.... to be.... the cat???!!!"
Now that I have found out how to put videos "out there", I have launched a new site -
FREDSVIDEOSLook out for your face on this website very soon.
Oh and a message to Supercuz - I have delayed publication of the secret photographs until I can find my batman... Watch this space...
Press photo of the day

Labels: photos
It's interesting that Brokeback mountain has caused a furore in America - as you know I have written down my thoughts about this film before which you can find
As this is primarily a WESTERN, I thought some of you would be interested in seeing the reaction in the wild west. If you follow
this link you can find out what two typical cowboys thought of it.
ENJOY!! Yee Har Mable!!
Andrew's Cat - explanation will be posted I presume by Andrew

Labels: photos
Above there are now two videos for you to watch - the first one will be familiar to regular readers of Fred's - this video is Richard's stag weekend in Barcelona last year (which we are reprising in a similar form this year - only difference is he is now married...)
The second new video is a video which has been put up for Clair and Colin in memory of Chester. Chester is the enormous blonde coloured dog in this video - the breed name is Dogue de Bordeaux. Chester had to be put to sleep last week due to kidney disease last week and we are all devastated for them. He was only about 4 years old (Clair will maybe correct me).
The silver lining to this dark cloud is that Clair and Colin have sensibly bought a new dogue de Bordeaux puppy - Hogan - and this is occupying them and taking their minds off Chester slightly.
Anyway I though I would put up this video of us all about three years ago in Pam and david's house enjoying the sunshine, and maybe it will in some small way help Clair and Colin to get over him.
Hogan - Clair and Colin's new babyLabels: barcelona, clair gunning stitt, New Year, video
What it means to be British.
What It Means To Be British:
One of the British national daily newspapers is asking readers 'What it means to be British'.
Some of the emails are hilarious but this is one from a chap in Switzerland:
"Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV. And, when they are overseas, in trying to be popular, they pretend to be Irish."
And the most British thing of all? Suspicion of anything foreign!
Brokeback Mountain

Fred and I went last night to see Brokeback Mountain - and I entirely expected to come here today and rave about how brilliant it was agreeing with nearly everyone on the internet and with people I've met. I did like the film but for me it was a little disappointing.
I thought it was a beautiful film and by that I mean the cinematography was so rich and lush - Ang Lee the director certainly picked the most gorgeous backdrop to a film that I've ever seen. It was great to see a film packed with stunning imagery that was (on the face of it) a real setting and not CGI.
Ang Lee the films director has been at pains to purge this film of the "Gay Cowboy Film" tag that it has been given. I'm sorry but in God's name what else would you call it? This film is as gay as it gets, and it's by definition a cowboy film. Granted it's surely the first gay cowboy film to be made. On it's release on DVD, the nice people at HMV are going to have to create a new section - the gay cowboy film section. . .
The film starts out beautifully - we're all getting to know you , two men up a mountain all alone herding sheep and talking big man talk. In a sudden flip (literally) the two male lead characters suddenly turn from baked beans and horses into two arse slapping bottomites in a tent - (as in camp as a row of) and I found it difficult to take it seriously for a very simple reason:- It was too intense too soon - they went straight for it. As their boss in the movie put it "stemming the rose" when they should have been watching sheep. And the "rose stemming" was instant. No touchy feely foreplay - straight for the main event. (spit was used to "oil the wheels")
AND Jake Gillenthal even starts to sport one of those ridiculous cliched moustaches in the second part of the film. Did his wife not see that moustache? Did she not know that older gay married men wear moustaches as their default setting?
I came away feeling desperately sorry for these men who grew up in times when it was not easy let's face it. However I felt even sorrier for the poor women who had to either suffer through finding out that the father of their 3 children was having an affair with a coyboy or in the case of the other woman, never ever realise her husband was chasing an altogether different kind of tackle on his fishing trips.
I was not moved at the end of the film by the bit that was supposed to move me - I'll not give anything away. I felt that the character was deserving of his fate.
However I think the performances were out of this world and they will clean up at the Oscars for them. Show me your Golden Globes Cowboy!! Yee Haah!!
Anyway as you maybe know, I've been obsessing over "Superman Returns" and the distinct possibility that it will be dreadful.
I'm worried about the fact that it's based on the continuity of the first two films. This could be bad. However on the bright side there is the costume. We've seen the pictures. Fabulous.
With thoughts of "Superman Returns" top-of-mind, I decided to list my most anticipated movies for 2006:
1. "X-Men 3." Kelsey Grammer as the Beast should be enough of a reason, to see this one
2. Oliver Stone's 9/11 movie. I'm sure it'll be brutal and harrowing to watch but because it's directed by Stone, it'll also be an impressive representation of that day in history.
3. "The Da Vinci Code." Tom Hanks and Amelie in the movie version of the book that non book readers have read. Filmed in Lincoln Cathedral for the Westminster Abbey scenes as Westminster Abbey thought the film was anti christian value. Look out for Charles Harrison playing the organ - perhaps?? Maybe?? Actually no....
4. "V For Vendetta." Alan Moore's vision will most likely get diluted in this adaptation.Natalie Portman, too.
5. "28 Weeks Later." Zombies, love those zombies
6. "Superman Returns." Nuff said - THAT outfit!! My Freddy has an outfit like that at home. I'm saying no more...
7. "Casino Royale." New Bond, the classic Fleming novel.
8. "The Hills Have Eyes." Here's hoping that the remake stands up to the original.
9. "The Visiting." An alien epidemic and Nicole Kidman.
10. "Mission Impossible 3." I'll like it despite Cruise. Just for the teem-toon alone
Andrew Smith's Desktop for all going to Barcelona!!

Big thanks to poor Smithy who despite at the moment being unsure of his attendance has nonetheless produced this fab commemoration. If you click on it you can get the full size version.
Cheers Smithy!!
Labels: barcelona, smithy

I have been talking with some of you about how Peter Jackson the director of Lord of the Rings went to Barcelona and was at Barcelona Zoo with his kids there. Peter saw the Albino Gorilla, Snowflake there and he says it inspired him to make King Kong.
Here is a link to Snowflake to let you find out more about him.
Labels: barcelona
THIS LINK is a good place to find info on Barcelona - Thanks to Richard for this.
Labels: barcelona, richard
Jonny, Richard, Revs, Alan, Jonny, Fred and I are all going on a cheap holiday to Barcelona !! With that in mind I thought I would post part of the video we made last year of us having one of the greatest 3 days ever!! Hope you like it!! If you do I will post another wee section for you.
If it does not play it's because you need to install Macromedia flash 8.
Full screen version can be found
HERELabels: barcelona, richard, video
Giving up
Freddy says this website is not as good anymore.
Do any of you agree because I feel like giving up.
A poem that struck a chord!
Twas the month after xmas and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse
The stuffing I'd nibbled. The turkey I'd taste
The yummies I'd eaten gone straight to my waist.
The wine and the mince pies,
The bread and the cheese,
I should have said "no thankyou, please".
So as I dressed myself in my boyfriends old shirt
I couldn't believe my bottom and belly - the girth!
I said to myself, as only I can
"You cant spend the year disguised as a man!
So away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruitcake,
every cracker and chip.
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
Til all the additional ounces have vanished.
I wont have a cookie, not even a lick.
Instead I'll chew on a long celery stick.
I wont have Irish coffees, or chocolates, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry:
"I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore -
But isnt that what Januarys for?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot,
Happy new year to all and to all a good diet!
Labels: New Year
Album Cover of the Day (Is that Dustin Hoffman in drag again?)
Especially for our online community, and in particular for foreign visitors to get a flavour of Northern Ireland culture, I now invite you to download a video of Sandra from my work receiving a birthday cake shaped like two large tits.
Here's it HERE (you may have to right click it and save it somewhere and then play it to make it work)
Labels: Northern Ireland, video
For the ladies... (And me)

I've put
this link on the side bar for easy reference. What do you think so far?
Labels: Big Brother
Happy Birthday Sandra!!!

We bought Sandra my lovely work mate this lovely cake which was presented to her in the office. Please join me in wishing her a happy birthday!!!
More of Susan in her hat.

Labels: Susan
Susan in a hat and little else...dedicated to Jonny and by popular demand.

Labels: Susan
Album Cover of the Day
Hunk of Today - This guy is seriously good looking don't you think?
Hunk of the Day

Labels: richard
What would Jesus do???

Searching around for their inspiration in life, resolute Christians I am told often ask themselves "WWJD?" or "What would Jesus do?"
Apparantly he would not these days be going around making tables, chairs and any other peace-loving things you care to mention made out of wood. Nor would he be attending to the sick or caring for old people. Nor indeed would he be trying to bring people to at least try and "love one another". No No. Apparantly Jesus of Nazareth's first priority would now be marching up and down the High Streets of Great Britain and in particular, Belfast City Hall (as pictured) with a big placard that reads "Sodomy is Sin" or to put it another way, "God hates the Fags and so should you if you want to go to heaven"
Normal non-sinning good people who flick through the good book will actually find themselves hard pressed to come up with anti-gay sentiment. The Bible seems to shy away from the subject and in some chapters, it seems not to want to touch the subject with a ten foot pole.
However it seems that for the modern Christian, the Bible is one big old book about hating queers; they're constantly finding startling new chapters with new stories about queer bashing. "On hearing this the disciples paused for a moment and then said they unto Jesus, "What about the gays Lord? Jesus flinchethed and vomited briefly before declaring "Oh my people, I don't like the gays much. Their white vests and love of camp music maketh me wretch. Anyway back to the lepers - now we CAN heal them"
In fact, according to the New Testament, Jesus never mentioned bum sex once. Bum sex was not on Jesus's list of things to sort out. Furthermore. the dainty young lesbians who had their wedding in Belfast City Hall at which the above picture was taken had few thoughts (at least we presume) on consumating their marriage with a spot of bum sex. On their wedding day "Sodomy" was not on their to-do list, making the above protest even more bewildering.
Nor did Jesus ever mention any other gay related issue. It was never mentioned. Not once. I suppose it is possible he planned on tackling the issue face on and was going to make a speech on the subject right after Easter but I guess we'll never know...
Sigh Ho
It's back to work we go...
How will manage going back is unthinkable but tomorrow I have to. As I sit here with a glass of red wine I can't face it but when that alarm clock goes off tomorrow morning I know I'll find the resolve somehow.
Gillian from Barts came round today and we went through some stuff for Bart Players forthcoming production of The Lady in the Van. Richard has agreed to play a Beethoven Piano Sonata (no 27 in E) into a microphone for us to use as part of the play. The play will also involve an actual van being on stage at various points together with video fotage of a Robin Reliant! The whole production seems quite ambitious and I would be seriously surprised looking at the material if it doesn't do very well in the festivals of Northern Ireland. It all gets very competitive.
Fred and I went down to M&S to buy some food this afternoon and the walk did us good. I bought loads of soup as I believe soup is the key to me getting thin again.

Labels: Northern Ireland, richard, video
Album Cover of the Day