Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lt Michael Fodor

Some of you will remember Fredordead took part in a memorial for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and we in particular focused on Lt Michael Fodor.

I had a lovely comment from Ashley, Michael's daughter. I thought you would maybe like to revisit Lt Fodor's article and read Ashley's comment which reads as follows:

My name is Ashley, and I am Lt. Fodor's daughter. I miss him everyday, and
take comfort in his strength and our memories together...I am stronger each day
I carry him in my heart. I know he is at peace, and honored to be remembered by
you all.

Ashley I hope you found what was said about your father in the article to be accurate and appropriate, if there is anything you would like me to add I would of course be honoured to do so.

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